COE Incomplete Policy

General Policies and Procedures

Policy A6

Course instructors should use incomplete grades sparingly and according to the policies spelled out in the university bulletin. Specific criteria to be used for undergraduate and graduate students are contained in the College of Education Incomplete Grade Contract. The following procedures should be followed in the assignment of incomplete grades to graduate or undergraduate students.

  1. Course instructor should review incomplete grade policy and decide if the student’s situation warrants an incomplete grade.
  2. Course instructor should review tasks and timeline with the student.  Complete and sign.  Both parties receive a copy.
  3. Send a copy of new form to adviser.
  4. Have student complete student portion of the supplementary grade report and give to instructor to hold for the grade.
  5. Attach supplementary grade report to incomplete grade contract and file for later submission.
  6. When the student has completed the required tasks and met the timeline, the instructor should record the grade and send the supplementary grade report to the Registrar.

This electronic document supersedes all previous versions and is subject to change.

“General Policies and Procedures”/ Axe


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