FPC TTF – Faculty Personnel Committee

Charge: The Associate Dean for  Faculty Development or the Dean’s designee provides direct oversight of this committee.  This committee is charged with the review of all tenure and promotion cases of tenure-line faculty in the COE. The committee will make recommendations to the Dean on tenure and promotion cases.

Membership: Members with the rank of Tenured Associate or Full Professor are nominated and/or self-nominated within each Department and serve 2-year terms. Nominees are approved by the department head and forwarded to the Dean for review. The committee includes representation of all COE academic departments.

Facilitator/Chair: Chair TTF – Benedict McWhirter, benmcw@uoregon.edu.

Committee members for this committee are generally chosen in November of each academic year. 

NameDepartment AbbreviationDepartmentTerm Start
Benedict McWhirterCPHSCounseling Psychology and Human Services2022
Emily Tanner-SmithCPHSCounseling Psychology and Human Services2024
Gina Biancarosa`SPECSSpecial Education and Clinical Sciences2024
Kent McIntoshSPECSSpecial Education and Clinical Sciences2023
Jenefer HusmanEDSTEducation Studies2023
Keith ZvochEDSTEducation Studies2024
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