Program Coordinator Resources

This location will house materials relevant for program administration and coordination.

General Resources 

Faculty and Staff Resources – Resources put together by the UO

COE EMS for the room inventory and availability schedule. 

COE Meeting Room Procedures and Guidelines* (includes who to contact to in order to reserve COE spaces) 


Banner and CLSS Access

DuckWeb Faculty Menu Access

Navigate Access

Cognos Access

Course Scheduling

5 Year Academic Calendar

Schedule production

Schedule of Classes



CourseLeaf Program Management for program changes

CourseLeaf Course Inventory for individual courses

Admissions Resources

Slate Graduate Admissions Program Staff Handbook*

Slate Graduate Admissions Guidance (for program staff) – Youtube Playlist

Slate Graduate Admissions Faculty Reader Guide*

Slate Graduate Admissions Guidance (for program faculty) – Youtube Playlist

Human Resources 

Timesheet forms (OA and Hourly)

Duck ID services (to change Duck ID password)

Duckweb for paystub, leave accruals, tax info, updating personal information, etc

MyTrack (classes; position description)

Sign-up for UO Alerts

Payroll information

Pay days (pay day is always the last business day of the month)

COE IT Help Link


* indicates that the file will download upon selection

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