Governance and Policy Resources
Below are links to the most current administrative governance policy documents for the College of Education and its constituent units. The elements found here should be considered the official public versions of each document, and each includes a “last modified” date to indicate the most recent update.
It is the general expectation that all policies shall be reviewed and updated at intervals no longer than three years.
Internal Governance Policies (General)
- These policies describe the governance expectations for a given unit as determined by faculty vote.
Promotion and Tenure Policies (Faculty)
- These policies describe the current promotion and tenure policies for faculty across all research units and academic departments.
Performance Evaluation and Merit Review Resources (Faculty)
- These resources describe the current performance evaluation and merit review expectations for faculty across all research units and academic departments.
Assignment of Professional Responsibilities (Faculty Workload)
- These policies describe the professional responsibilities for COE faculty as determined by the 2015 – 2022 CBA guidelines and faculty vote.
Performance Evaluation and Merit Increase (OA)
Summer Session Policy_Final 02-10-17*
COE Professional Development Policy Final 06.12.2017.pdf*
COE Endowment Policy OtP Approved 01.12.24*
COE Strategic Framework 2017-2022*
* indicates that the file will download upon selection